Coburg United Methodist Church was an anchor of community, service, and worship in town for over 100 years. The UMC and local church members concluded the congregation in 2021. Its legacy lives on among Coburgers with memories of community meals, Christmas festivities, and love for children.

UMC leadership knew the building should be an asset to the neighborhood. An extensive discernment process in early 2022 identified lifetime Oregonian and U of O alumni Brandon Rhodes to midwife the building from its historic legacy into new possibilities.


a legacy of


bookstore &

event venue

Coburg Commons continues to transform from its past to a future that will be written together.

The Bookstore opened on August 31, 2023, and features books for all ages, stages, and wages. Each shelf highlights authors & titles that express our mission.

The Event Hall is available to rent by the hour, with discounts for recurring users. Scholarships are available to users gathering to pursue the common good of Coburg (e.g., advocating for affordable housing).

All rental and bookstore income through 2025 goes back into improving the property, including additional bicycle parking, edible landscaping, and the mural.


a hub for the

common good

Farmer and poet Wendel Berry says “What I stand for is what I stand on.” We dig that.

One Jewish activist wrote “You’ll find your own flourishing in finding the flourishing of your town.” We really dig that.

The future of Coburg Commons includes more ways to build a resilient, inclusive future for all Coburgers. That’ll include additional classes and get-togethers, and whatever else emerges when we we bring our diverse lives together for where we live.

Stylized digital painting of bearded white masc with flat cap

Meet the Director

Brandon Rhodes (he/him) is a lifelong Oregonian and Duck alumni. He has worked at the intersections of community organizing, food justice, and experimental expressions of church for over 15 years. Brandon is married to Kelly Deutsch, founder of Spiritual Wanderlust and the Modern Mystics School. They live with their cat Supernova and dog Finn in Coburg.

Brandon was selected for this position by the leadership of the Oregon-Idaho Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Advisory Board

  • Liz Bruno

  • Tracey Pugh

  • Monique Mulbry

  • Naphtali Renshaw