“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”

– Stephen King

Books for all ages, stages, and wages.

Thousands of new and gently-loved books are ready to fill the imaginations and shelves of Coburgers.

Have books to contribute? Bring them in for in-store credit.

Profits will return to the community through micro-grants, author and music events, Event Hall rental subsidies, and extending the building’s mission of catalyzing for the common good.

  • New and gently-loved books spanning genres: new releases, fiction, kids lit, gardening, spirituality, history, poetry, and more.

  • Check out our kids’ reading room, including story-time at 10am on the last Saturday of each month.

  • Coming in early 2024: added perks for select book clubs

Open Thurs-Sun | 10am-4pm



Select a free book every month.

Save on every book.

Join private events with special guests.

Just $25.

“…the solitary act of reading can actually be a part of the path to communion and community.”

– bell hooks